Handverzorging. Handcreme met arganolie en verbena extract. Ideaal voor droge handen

Good tips for hand care

Here are some good tips for hand care using hand cream and argan oil :

Make a daily hand care routine and moisturize your hands regularly, preferably after washing.

argan oil Apply hand cream after washing hands, this will hydrate and nourish the skin.

argan oil Do you use your own hand cream? Then add pure argan oil to the hand cream for extra care. This strengthens the effect and provides extra nutrition.

argan oil Wear gloves when going outside and during household chores to prevent the skin from drying out.

kenzit hand care

argan oil Try to avoid washing your hands with water that is too hot, as this can dry out the skin.

argan oil Pay attention to the signs of dehydration and use hand cream and/or argan oil at the first sign of dry skin or chapped spots.

argan oil If you wash hands a lot, such as in healthcare, provide extra care by applying hand cream and argan oil more often.

Follow these tips and treat your hands with love and care, and you will see them look healthier and more beautiful!

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